Francesca Bell – Two Poems

Lessons My daughter dreads middle school science             because all they study is cataclysm,                         end-stopped species after end-stopped species,                                     earth’s slow dwindling.                         There is no longer a world to study             that teems with life, not a globe ecstatic in its wild spinning. Day after day,             they regard the crumbling edge,                         broken asphalt where a road runs […]

Mary Buchinger – r ɛ z əˈ r ɛ k ʃ ə n / as in “resurrection of clouds”

rɛz əˈrɛk ʃən /as in “resurrection of clouds”       Mary Buchinger, author of e i n f ü h l u n g/in feeling (2018), Aerialist (2015), and Roomful of Sparrows (2008), is president of the New England Poetry Club and professor of English and communication studies at MCPHS University in Boston; her work […]

Iain Twiddy – Bird Notes

Bird Notes Everyone knows even the sad notes float. So a dead bird always seems slightly absurd, like a hardwired melody firing the wrong words, a speck in the eye pulling a second or two to come to a question, as when a bubble bursts into a teardrop: where does it come from, this sentiment […]

Mai Der Vang – Proximal

Proximal It’s all day waking, every step as a tick of the clock until your body falls back. How long until you approach the meaning of lone. Have your ears ever computed the miles between dream and dreaming, between closer and closed. You and I are fiercely mundane in our desire to arrive. Are we […]

Barbara Ungar – Dream of Myself

Dream of Myself looking in a mirror swathed in black lace human shape translucent and pulsing like a jelly- fish   heart and womb shining through like the Visible Woman’s   wondrous as the Piglet octopus with its crown of tentacles and saucer eyes or the pocket shark shaped like a palm-sized sperm whale the caterpillar fringed […]