Kimberly L Becker’s Flight, Reviewed by Katharine Blair
Flight Kimberly Becker MadHat Press Reviewer: Katharine Blair Reviewer’s note: I am putting the final keystrokes into this review as my home and native land of Canada wrestles with the discovery of the remains of 215 children on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School in the province of British Columbia. Many of us […]
Pamela Wax – Upon reading that Superhero Rocket Raccoon was inspired by the Beatles song, I think
about the masked bandit that has been pillaging my garden sometime in the pre-dawn hours when I’m not there to guard it, gnawing wedges from the zucchini, and leaving half-eaten tomatoes in the bed as compost. He’s a menace to the neighborhood, and I can’t get rid of him, despite the trap and the light […]
Richard Peabody – The Queen of American Gothic
The Queen of American Gothic is waiting “I’m ready,” she says as lonely as the only car in a bowling alley parking lot Born in Washington, DC, raised in Bethesda, and now living in Arlington, VA, poet, writer, editor, teacher, and publisher Richard Peabody wears many literary hats. He taught fiction […]
George Franklin’s Noise of the World, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli
George Franklin Noise of the World Shelia-Na-Gig Editions Reviewer: Brian Fanelli After a year of lockdowns, face masks, and death counts still too great to process, George Franklin’s latest collection of poems, Noise of the World, feels incredibly relevant right now, as the world still reels from the global pandemic and its long-term implications. His […]
Hayden Saunier’s A Cartography of Home, Reviewed by Lee Rossi
Hayden Saunier A Cartography of Home Terrapin Books Reviewer: Lee Rossi Hayden Saunier is one of those poet farmers who are distinctive in our culture for their scarcity. We remember Frost. We may know Donald Hall and Wendell Berry. We may even recall Horace, with an estate gifted by his patron Maecenas and worked by […]