Christopher Shipman – Fog of Tongues

Fog of Tongues                                       Once upon a time                                                           words were beasts. They stalked the things they named until they became those things.                                                     Fog                                                              stumbled behind. We lived and died in the direction of words— a religion of everything unsaid.                                     Not an image named. Only sun and shadow— that violent blur                                     between moon waxing gibbous               moon waning crescent. […]

Hannah Seo – Nocturnal vanishing act

Nocturnal vanishing act The best way to fall is to sink, a seltzer tab dropping into a tall glass of water, gravity slowing, bursting into fizz. Feel the lightness of a sheet, the soft skin of a hand, the darkness of the night a gentle, heavy pressure. When you fall as often as I do […]

Tanya L. Young – Two Foxes

Two Foxes I’ll carry your loss in my purse pouch, rattling like half cut emeralds, like twins in the womb that can’t rotate at the axis, can’t turn all the way around. I’ll hunt the desert clay for two wrestling foxes, flossing side by side in wild red dust. In the canyon. Did you pack […]

Luke Johnson – Dark

Dark – for Malakai If you come to where the thorny pears grow along the one-way road and crouch beneath the sticky shade that draws out spiders and wasps and children playing chase in the dying light, you’ll witness, if lucky, the buck my father failed to shoot sip from fading streams, and freeze when […]

Douglas Cole – Riding out the Night Listening to Comedians

Riding out the Night Listening to Comedians Back then, college was more like theater, the professors were actors: some temperamental, some aspiring, some adroit and calm, some boring, some psychopathic…not sandpapered, dull whip-children of doctrine but minds that blazed. End of Christendom. Stay away from diseased animals. A fire up ahead. Strangers, strange languages, songs, […]