Jeffrey Little – Low Tide and Maybe a Marathon Under

Low Tide and Maybe a Marathon Under The surface of any water is a lie. I put on an Elmo Hope tune, with Frank Foster. Low Tide. It seems it’s possible to drown at Rikers Island, years after you’ve been released. Think of this as time travel. Right now, I’m tired of coughing, so I’ve […]

Marilyn A. Johnson – Ghost House

Ghost House not even Chardon technically but the outskirts beyond the sign the higher speed limit if you know where to turn along this stretch of highway a dirt road cut between banks of earth past meadow grass to our rental                       a farmhouse where somebody died root cellar shelves bowed with jars             of yellowish fruit […]

Sara Backer – Ragged Red Line

Ragged Red Line after “Ballroom in an air raid” by William Nicholson If I had more rodent in me, I could feel safe underground shielded from hawks. My birds of prey are not bomb droppers, but my broken immune system clawing and pecking inside my body’s basement. I see the ragged red line on the […]