Charles Rammelkamp’s The Trapeze of Your Flesh, Reviewed by Robert Cooperman

Charles Rammelkamp The Trapeze of Your Flesh BlazeVOX Reviewer: Robert Cooperman Charles Rammelkamp has lived in Baltimore long enough to know all about “The Block,” that regal, or infamous, stretch of real estate that was once home to some of the best-known burlesque houses and strip tease artists who ever strutted their less than fully-clad […]

Gerald Locklin’s requiem for the toad: selected poems, Reviewed by Shawn Pavey

Gerald Locklin requiem for the toad: selected poems of gerald locklin Edited by Clint Margrave NYQ Books Reviewer: Shawn Pavey Pick up any small to mid-sized poetry publication issued over the last forty years and, most likely, it will include a Gerald Locklin poem. When I served as an associate editor of The Main Street […]

Irene Blair Honeycutt’s Mountains of the Moon, Reviewed by Rebecca Patrascu

Irene Blair Honeycutt Mountains of the Moon Charlotte Lit Press Reviewer: Rebecca Patrascu Poet and teacher Irene Blair Honeycutt introduces her fifth collection, Mountains of the Moon, by quoting Margaret Gibson’s suggestion that writing poetry is “an act of attention and receptivity.” It’s an apt description for the new book, which showcases close consideration of […]

Maddie Clevenstine – Ask Me About Hell

Ask Me About Hell There is something standing in the street. With sharp teeth and hands made of metal,                                                 it paces the edges of the neighborhood. Sometimes it wears the face of my mother, other times my uncle long dead and buried turned to marsh and twigs in the dirt. Still                                            other times it wears […]

Carine Topal – What Are You Looking At?

What are You Looking At? You are looking at a beating heart. Red Square, the front yard of rulers, named for its loveliness. You are looking at a plaza of lock-stepping uniforms and a few demonstrators. And tourists. Above them, the minarets of St. Basil’s, its onion domes disquieted by a huddle of limping babushkas […]