Afric McGlinchey – Teaching a shake

Teaching a shake Her eyes well up. Love you and your doors, flung open and launched into single high notes. We are a country of hair. How are my favorite black trees? They open their wings. The frogs have subsided, but still occasionally gooach gooach gooach. An owl at the punch-line. She lifts her clamor […]

Afric McGlinchey’s Ghost of the Fisher Cat,
Reviewed by Maria Rouphail

Afric McGlinchey Ghost of the Fisher Cat Salmon Poetry ISBN: 978-1-910669-39-6 Reviewer: Maria Rouphail   What do violin strings, the mystery of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, and poisoned quinces have in common? They are conceits in Irish poet, Afric McGlinchey’s second collection, Ghost of the Fisher Cat. Prompted by a Parisian legend of a ghost […]