Allison Joseph’s Confessions of a Barefaced Woman, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli
Allison Joseph Confessions of a Barefaced Woman Red Hen Press Reviewer: Brian Fanelli Reading Allison Joseph’s latest collection, Confessions of a Barefaced Woman, feels like a much-needed reprieve and act of resistance against the onslaught of negative news. The narratives spun within the pages are a celebration of literature, black history, and the quieter moments […]
Roberto Carlos Garcia’s black/Maybe, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli
Roberto Carlos Garcia black/Maybe Willow Books Reviewer: Brian Fanelli In an interview with Plátano Poetry Café from April 2018, Robert Carlos Garcia describes himself as Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Latinx, adding, “Who I am is at the center of everything I write…my identity is my major metaphor.” This statement is especially true when describing Garcia’s latest work, […]
Eric Greinke’s and Alison Stone’s Masterplan, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli
Eric Greinke and Alison Stone Masterplan Presa Press Reviewed by Brian Fanelli Masterplan is a book to read at this moment, a collaboration that addresses the 24/7 news cycle, rampant consumerism, and pop culture. Some of the poems hit as hard and as fast as a two-minute punk song, while others are meditative and lyrical, […]
Brian Fanelli’s Waiting for the Dead to Speak, Reviewed by Robert Fillman
Brian Fanelli Waiting for the Dead to Speak NYQ Books Reviewed by: Robert Fillman In Brian Fanelli’s second full-length collection, Waiting for the Dead to Speak, we find ourselves witnessing the maturation of a young man—from a working-class Pennsylvanian childhood to an educated, professional adult life on the fringe of the academy. But beyond this […]