Michael Montlack – Marie Curie’s Notebooks Are Still Radioactive
Marie Curie’s Notebooks Are Still Radioactive Maybe it’s an eternal way of saying Keep Out! Hasn’t she already given us enough? In Florence, Galileo’s middle finger remains under glass. I admire the pluck. His. And those curators. Especially if they aimed it toward the Vatican. All this reminds me of the guy who designed the […]
Michael Montlack’s Daddy, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli
Michael Montlack Daddy NYQ Books Reviewer: Brian Fanelli Michael Montlack’s Daddy contains several types of daddies and mothers, important key figures in the poet’s life. This collection is also an exploration of desire, childhood, sex, and gay identity. It praises a loved one in one poem before acknowledging the fallen in another. Through this journey, […]
Michael Montlack – When God
When God is your brother, solitary, first born, aloof and one step ahead, able but not always willing to share his wisdom. When God is an idol under your pillow, listening, you assume, never speaking, though you sometimes swear there’s a whisper clear as the strum of a Sunday night busker, his well-worn guitar like […]