Tony Gloeggler – New School Old School
New School Old School A Sunday barbecue at my brother’s, and my mom is reading my niece’s report card out loud. The words bright, generous, creative, inquisitive, sensitive, mingle with the smoky aroma. Hungry, I’d just give her a B+ so we can start to please pass the ribs. She’s smart, funny, cool, knows her […]
Tony Gloeggler’s What Kind of Man, Reviewed by Shawn Pavey
Tony Gloeggler What Kind of Man NYQ Books Reviewer: Shawn Pavey Tony Gloeggler’s What Kind of Man reads like a verse memoir as each poem bleeds into the next and builds upon what has come before. The poems deal with challenging themes – romantic and familial love, illness, treatment, recovery, aging, mortality, and loss – […]