Emma J. Gibbon – Medical Museum Midnight Raid

Medical Museum Midnight Raid I will smash the glass and liberate the specimens. The suicides, the murderers, the gypsies and the poor, I will stash your skulls in my loot sack. The leathery feet and the hair bezoars and the shrunken heads, the lungs injected with ink, the cysts and bladder stones, the slices of […]

Alan Ira Gordon – From Whence the Songbird Sings

From Whence the Songbird Sings She told me one dark evening, how on her native world she stood waist-deep in a ruby river while lightning chirped across an orange sky. I fought back tears that sprang to life from the look on her face as she longed for home. But in the glare of next […]

F.J. Bergmann – Appropriate Tools

Appropriate Tools … a man opens a wooden crate with the help of a bird … —J.M. Coetzee, “Speaking in Tongues,” The Australian, 23 February 2006 He wanted to see what was inside his head, but his workshop had been rifled by his disaffected spawn, and all that was left him in the way of […]

Logan Wei – golem

golem I. it’s time to make a golem i’ll get a lot of clay and start with the head “obovoid, appreciably” the manual will say i will look the words up just to be careful it is important in important things to avoid mistakes then the eyes my bright marbles in thumbed-in sockets “for best […]

Sheikha A. – Qasbah

Qasbah Sometimes it takes a grain of salt to break curses; somewhere a cosmos rewrites itself. His eyes are Bellatrix, radiant on ebonized velvet; shoulders, strong limbs of Betelgeuse; together we are a clan of destinies, chronic in complex spectra of fragmented algorithms: this is also the way I dream. In a past night I […]