Jared Smith’s Shadows Within the Roaring Fork, Reviewed by Richard Allen Taylor

Jared Smith Shadows Within the Roaring Fork Flowstone Press Reviewer: Richard Allen Taylor Early in his latest collection, Shadows Within the Roaring Fork, Jared Smith firmly establishes himself as a serious, truth-telling, common-sense kind of poet who would never fake his own death. So, it comes as a shock when he begins the poem, “Learning […]

Amy Small-McKinney’s Walking Toward Cranes, Reviewed by Ann Wehrman

Amy Small-McKinney Walking Toward Cranes Glass Lyre Press Reviewer: Ann Wehrman Cancer. The word strikes fear, anger, and grief into one’s mind and heart. Despite 21st century medical wizardry—including stem cell therapies, bionic body parts, and quick and easy outpatient surgeries—cancer remains a dreaded killer. “According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on […]

George Drew’s Fancy’s Orphan, Reviewed by David E. Poston

George Drew Fancy’s Orphan Tiger Bark Press Reviewer: David E. Poston George Drew’s Fancy’s Orphan is a fascinating mix of voices presented in fluid and supple lines. These poems are Frost-haunted, with echoes of Keats, Wordsworth, Yeats, and Rilke. Their penetrating descriptions present what Hopkins called the inscape of both the natural world and of […]

Introduction by John Amen

Introduction by John Amen About 20 years ago, while living in New Orleans, I read Stan Rice’s poetry. A few months after first reading those poems, I met Stan and immediately considered how I’d like to launch a literary magazine and publish some of his work. About 2 years later, at this point living in […]

Introduction by Susan Terris

Introduction by Susan Terris Sometimes a working committee produces the equivalent of a wildebeest, something ungainly and the result of too many shortcuts or hasty compromises. Over the past 6 years, Arlene Ang, Michael Spring, our editor-publisher John Amen, and I have learned to work together and manage to produce an issue of Pedestal, which […]