Kristin Fitzsimmons – The subcommittee

            The subcommittee             will hear testimony of bubonic guinea pigs international bodies haphazard exterminat –                                     ion The cloud would descend upon a village or upon people The cloud seemed to be made up of small particles                                                                                  blood-tinged rain I would compare it                          to offering somebody a cigarette                          such as the […]

Paul Sohar – War in Snow

War in Snow …and snow, too, was whiter and more plentiful in the old days, the whole world was disguised in bleached hospital gowns to make the terrain seem arctic and confusing from above, from the huge planes looking for the house where I lived to drop a deliriously explosive xmas present but why did […]

Bruce Weigl – Two Poems

a mishap the blank of blank the science of dying the black cat changing rooms caught for a moment in some brilliant sun the pathology of fear one LA car slamming into another is not like slow motion and some lost things can never be recovered but thank Ra for the light that let us […]

Jan Beatty – Kat Talks the War Inside Her

Kat Talks the War Inside Her              She says: I found the connection—River was shooting heroin, which, if you think about it, is a river of chocolate or maybe it’s one of the golden tickets to the factory, and Johnny was really Charlie, not the original Willy. Kat not taking her pills again, she wants […]

Steven Ratiner – Drum

Drum (Jedwabne, Poland) It was my father’s drum – but he was ill, and so when they summoned his musicians, I hauled the gold and crimson tub into the square, strapped it on. The killing had already begun. The Germans had stripped us of our guns, but the townsfolk made do: sticks and stones, scythes, […]