Marcene Gandolfo – Because I’m No Persephone

Because I’m No Persephone Once I loved a man who was all shadow // I wanted to touch him / You could say we lived in a world of dark matter // I should have known / our first date / he lead me down a staircase / to a shape–shifting room // On the […]

Kelli Russell Agodon – When my therapist tells me my father’s trauma has been transferred to me, I think

When my therapist tells me my father’s trauma has been transferred to me, I think how long he has been missing      from the planet, still part of the seawater           his ashes move through the Pacific and as she talks, I think of how the sky      never lets me down—looking up,           there is always a cloud […]

Joan Colby – Earthworms

Earthworms Digging in the loam For nightcrawlers, fat and rosy, Until the pail is full. We haul them home Caked with the dirt they aerate. One child shows another how severed They become two creatures. Brilliant! he exclaims. I explain this is not actually true Which they choose to ignore. Threading the worm onto the […]

Rob Carney – “Tell Us a Secret”

“Tell Us a Secret” When night’s aloft and the sky’s torn up, someone’s brother has to journey. Half to, half from, half until doesn’t matter as long as the myths aren’t skipped: the gold cup, the hovering firebird, the path to the lake. This is lightning, and it wants a story. This is summer, and […]