Ted Jonathan’s Unholy Melodies: New & Collected, Reviewed by Shawn Pavey
Ted Jonathan Unholy Melodies: New and Collected NYQ Books Reviewer: Shawn Pavey Ted Jonathan is a poet known to many in the small press community. So, news of his passing in February of this year struck the community hard. I didn’t know him. I don’t know the circumstances surrounding his passing other than what I’ve […]
Stuart Jay Silverman’s Report from the Sea of Moisture, Reviewed by Shawn Pavey
Report From the Sea of Moisture Stuart Jay Silverman Atmosphere Press Reviewer: Shawn Pavey Report From the Sea of Moisture is my first exposure to the poetry of Stuart Jay Silverman, but it will not be my last. The absence of either blurbs or an author bio and photo on the back cover in favor […]
Alison Stone’s Zombies at the Disco, Reviewed by Shawn Pavey
Alison Stone Zombies at the Disco Jacar Press Reviewer: Shawn Pavey I have absolutely no empirical evidence on which to base this assertion, but I think the ghazal became the official verse structure of the Pandemic. Several recent poetry collections have contained entire sections devoted to ghazals. Almost every poetry journal I pick up will […]
Tony Gloeggler’s What Kind of Man, Reviewed by Shawn Pavey
Tony Gloeggler What Kind of Man NYQ Books Reviewer: Shawn Pavey Tony Gloeggler’s What Kind of Man reads like a verse memoir as each poem bleeds into the next and builds upon what has come before. The poems deal with challenging themes – romantic and familial love, illness, treatment, recovery, aging, mortality, and loss – […]
Shawn Pavey’s Survival Tips for the Pending Apocalypse, Reviewed by Brian Fanelli
Shawn Pavey Survival Tips for the Pending Apocalypse: New and Selected Poems Spartan Press Reviewer: Brian Fanelli Since the economic crash of 2009, there have been countless stories about the struggles that Americans face to pay their bills and the numerous jobs they must work to survive. There have been manifestos about student debt, the […]