Eating Out

False grapes and genuine salami Hang from the restaurant ceiling And we are under them Eating the spaghetti carbanara And snails and we feel full Of meaning. The hostess sits At the front door at a lectern With a musician’s lamp Shining down on her sheet Of reservations. Have you been there. You have been […]

Breaking Light

Still The sky is milky and blurry. Filled With uncertainty is the sky’s psychology. Thrilling Experiences are not promised. The will Is diminished as it measures itself against these hills Of water. The sun is a white disk. Light is filtered. The spilled Crape myrtle leaves in a single night look individually killed And litter […]

Alone in Love

I sit on the edge of the swimming pool. A leaf In the skeletal stage floats by. Then the caw of a crow That could break a bone. I am loved but feel alone. I look for something above. An amputee Has climbed the the rose-of-montana vine. No. The tulip tree has been brutally pruned. […]

African Immigrant Outside Museum of Art

A long way from Africa For carrot cake I came To Modern America. I sell stocking caps On the silver streets And talk to my friend Hairless Who also came a long way To eat carrot cake in America Where even he who sits Holding a sign saying Famished Makes more silver than I did […]

Featured Writer- Stan Rice

  African Immigrant Outside Museum of Art Alone in Love Breaking Light Eating Out Mr Heade Went to Brazil The Rhythms Interview with Stan Rice   Stan Rice is the author of six books of poetry (Some Lamb 1975, Whiteboy 1976, Body of Work 1983, Singing Yet 1992, Fear Itself 1995, The Radiance of Pigs […]