Dorianne Laux’s Life on Earth, Reviewed by Lee Rossi

Dorianne Laux Life on Earth W.W. Norton & Company, 2024 Reviewer: Lee Rossi With Life on Earth, her seventh full-length volume of poetry, Dorianne Laux offers again her truest poetic self. Throughout her career she has been consistently provocative and consistently enjoyable, sharing with her readers her enthusiasm for life and language. This book continues […]

Lee Rossi’s Say Anything, Reviewed by Rebecca Patrascu

Say Anything Lee Rossi Plain View Press Reviewer: Rebecca Patrascu “Everything fits into everything else,” Lee Rossi tells us in the opening poem of his fifth collection. The idea is handy packaging for a book entitled Say Anything, but it prompts the question: if one might include anything and everything, what does one choose to […]

Lola Haskins’ Homelight, Reviewed by Lee Rossi

Homelight Lola Haskins Charlotte Lit Press Reviewer: Lee Rossi Lola Haskins, who has published 14 books of poetry as well as 3 prose volumes, is a poet whose left brain is quite as active as her right. (Haskins, you should know, taught computer science for three decades at the University of Florida.) Not long ago, […]

Arthur Kayzakian’s The Book of Redacted Paintings, Reviewed by Lee Rossi

The Book of Redacted Paintings Arthur Kayzakian Black Lawrence Press Reviewer: Lee Rossi In a recent interview in the New York Review of Books, poet and critic Ange Mlinko comments on the recent glut of “project” books (a genre I’ve come to call “term paper poetry”). She notes that publishers are striving “to make books […]

Emily Stoddard’s Divination with Human Heart Attached, Reviewed by Lee Rossi

Divination with Human Heart Attached Emily Stoddard Game Over Books Reviewer: Lee Rossi Drawing on the arcana of early Christianity (but also the Brothers Grimm, Teresa of Avila, C.G. Jung, and other explorers of the human depths), poet Emily Stoddard offers her readers not the story of her life, but the myths that underlie that […]